Vinton Cerf

Vinton Cerf

Birth Date: June 23, 1943
He is currently 80 years old.

Major Academic Achievements
Vint Cerf went to Stanford University and received a bachelor's degree in mathematics.
He also earned a master's degree and then a doctorate in computer science in 1970 and 1972 from UCLA.

Contributions to Computer Science:
Vint Cerf is knows for his invention of the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) which correlates to the modern day Internet;
this protocol determines how packets of data travel via the Internet.
TCP Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is the foundation of all data traffic on the Internet. Vint Cerf also worked on many government panels related to cybersecurity and the national information infrastructure.
His name is pristined as one of "The Fathers of The Internet."

Britannica-Vinton Cerf
Hall of Fame